Dr. Bendahoua kheira, Semiotic Approach of Image Discourse at “Nawwah” Revolutionary Film “Citizenship Search” ……………….337-355
We try in this proposal, to trace the issue of citizenship and its existence as an idea and concept in the revolutionary Algerian films that were represented in the seventies of the last century. This period was closer to a generation that lived the events present in texts, films and other artistic works that tried to embody the act of freedom of expression and the right to self-determination. We may not exaggerate if we say that the search for citizenship in literary texts written during this particular period is a re-reversal of the thought and orientation of a particular writer, director and actor as well. Therefore, our choice was directed towards “Nawwah Movie” which carried different images in which truth mixed with falsehood, hope with pain, poverty, and slavery with freedom.
Citizenship, Discourse, Image, Spoken, Audible, Semiotic approach