6th Issue- Full

Generic and Reviewers of 6th İssue


Ambiguity in the adverbial clause's subject and its impact on the diversity of (Qur'an) interpretations

Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Zakaria TAWFIK …………311 - 346


In this article, we seek to reveal one of the ways in which interpretation varies; where the researcher noted the multiplicity of interpretations of some (Qur’anic) verses, whenever they include a word, a sentence, or a clause on the accusative case as a circumstantial adverb (حال /Haal or ḥāl), due to the ambiguity in determining the subject of the adverbial clause (to be called henceforth Sahibul hâl) within the Qur’anic verse. Grammarians did not agree on Sahibul hâl. And interpreters of The Qur’an followed them. So, their opinions varied. Accordingly, this research investigates two topics: the first is a theoretical framework, tracing the origin, which defines the circumstantial adverb, its types, rules, conditions, and generic verbs which render the accusative cases, as well as the definition of Sahibul Hâl and its aspects. The second topic deals with some verses of the Noble Qur’an that include circumstantial adverbs. Here, grammarians diverged in assigning its Sahibul Hâl, finding out its causes, and explaining its impact on the diversity of interpretations.


Syntax, linguistic interpretation, diversity of interpretation, adverbial clauses, Sahibul Hâl (subject of adverbial clause).

l-Jahez as a Sociolinguist A Reading in the Relationship between Language and Society

Dr. Laachiri Mohammed Nafie ………………  347 - 380


This research aims to investigate some sociolinguistic issues raised by Al-Jahiz in his two books: Al-Bayan wa Al-Tabeen (Statement and Clarification) and Al-Hayawan (The Animal), especially during his lifetime from the time of Caliph Harun Al-Rashid rein until Caliph Al-Mutawakkil’s, and in places which he traveled to, mainly the cities of Basra and Baghdad. He paid attention to all the linguistic issues that would be raised by contemporary sociolinguistics that was founded in the sixties of the twentieth century, in the United States of America in particular.  Their main concern was studying the relationship between language and society and the forms of interaction between them, which is, in turn, represented by language differences at multiple levels if taking into account social classes, ethnic affiliations, gender differences, age disparity, cultural and educational variations, and contextual uses. Contemporary sociolinguistics also focuses on the characteristics and features of dialects and the phenomena of linguistic debates such as bilingualism, multilingualism, and urban sociolinguistics.


Al-Jahiz, sociolinguistics, language,  dialect, society,  linguistic interference

The Discourse of Protest In "Ultras” Chants A Rhetorical Reading

Dr. Hassan Attaouil …………………. 381-412


This paper examines the significance of one of the most famous songs of the “Ultras” bands in Morocco, the song “Fi Biladi Zalmouni”, which has gained popularity around the world, thanks to its aesthetic structure and its ability to evoke emotions of marginalized youth. In order to clarify the effective mechanisms in the song, we looked at it as rhetorical discourse, harnessing its artistic and expressive tools to portray the problems of youth, especially exclusion, marginalization, and neglect. It aims at pinpointing the flaws and oppression of the state in its treatment of citizens in general, and the youth in particular. Our analytical investigation in the article is based on two rhetorical entries that can be formulated into two basic questions: What is the argumentative value of sequencing in the song? And how is its stylistic component able to serve the song's persuasive dimension?


Discourse, Protest, Rhetoric, Argumentation, Ultras.   

Doha Historical Dictionary and its role in revealing the cultural and linguistic convergence between Arabic and Turkish

Dr. Ahmet Derviş MÜEZZİN &  Muhamad Aldibo Alnajjar 

……………… 413 - 437


Historical dictionaries - particularly the Doha Historical Dictionary - are the memory of the language of their members and the link between them and their speakers. It's connect their present to their past and show them the change and successive evolution of the vocabulary and meanings of language over time by relying on written or engraved sources in their hands. In our research, we have revealed the impact of Arabic on Turkish linguistically and culturally. and the problem was in demonstrating this effect of convergence between Arabic and Turkish, and how important it is in the light of the historic Doha dictionary to achieve the goals of demonstrating the benefits of historical dictionaries in general and the Doha dictionary in particular and to reveal this linguistic and civilizational convergence. The research was based on two approaches: quantitative and analytical. and we concluded that, most notably, Arabic is a language that influences and influences Turkish linguistically and culturally.



Arabic, Turkish, Cultural, Linguistic, Doha Historical Dictionary.

Grammarians' Sayings on Quoting Anonymous Poetry

Oways Yasin WİSİ ………………  439 - 492


The saying “anonymous poetry is improper for citation” has been quite common among scholars. Several texts are also known to object to quoting anonymous poetry, and its permissibility. These are the sayings that Al-Suyuti stated in his proposal to Ibn Al-Anbari, Ibn Al-Nahhas, and Ibn Hisham. This research investigates the reason(s) for not referring to the speaker among grammarians and the supervening complications. Then, it identifies texts other than the texts of the proposal (over 15 in number). Further, it presents the views of grammarians on prohibition and permissibility through their texts and their quotations. Thus, it turns out that the majority followed each other’s example. Yet those grammarians who declared the prohibition, in theory, cited it in practice. And that their protest against the prohibition of citation is merely a response to their opponents, besides other reasons such as irregularity, necessity, and lack of analogy. The research concludes that citing anonymous poetry can only be permissible through credible narration.


Grammar, Quoting, citing, anonymous poetry, origins of grammar, grammatical poetic quotation.

False Discourse in Politics The Fascination of Speech and Conditions of Interpretation

Dr. Jalila YACOUB

 ………………….. 493 - 516


This research paper addresses the political discourse and the relationship between linguistics and ideology. Those two domains may not match, except by clarifying the speech acts and the nature of structure in text and influence, which justifies the care in choosing words and structures, argument, and evidence, and setting up a model for them within the fascination of speech in text and its delivery. Almost all functions of reporting and communication are negated until the illusion of the other's existence fusion is realized under the survival of the ego’s conditions that represent power. Hence, the focus on discourse in politics and the specificity of polarization, as well as what is convincing by several names calls for the necessity of the duality of truth and falsehood whenever expression and meaning are compared with what can be done in reality and management. Thus, that loses lying its normative characteristic to be part of a typical discourse, except for political opponents in terms of understanding and interpretation from which the research objectives emanate, namely: 1. The interactions with the word "lying" in the lexicon, grammar, semantics, and pragmatics; 2. Politics: field and manifestation when the objective contradicts subjectivity and is moved to what contradicts it under the mask of coherence in delivery and reception; 3. Setting a model for dazzling speech which collides with the reality of thought and the limitation of interpretation.


Concept, lexicon, and terminology; Lie, synonym, and antonym; Policy, field, and rebuttals; Formulation of discourse and meaning; Speech, understanding, and interpreting.

Hyperboles in Arabic Rhetoric: Fact or Allegation?

Dr. Abdulhalim ABDULLAH ……………………… 517 - 538


When a scholar reads references in the semantics domain in Arabic rhetoric, he gets intercepted by the phenomenon of hyperboles (rhetoric exaggeration). It is because denunciation refers to exaggeration. And denial refers to hyperboles, as well as the fact that the relative pronoun refers to the same issue. Similarly, it is reflected in the use of demonstrative nouns, the use of interrogative tools and ambiguity, etc. Research questions attempt to answer the following: do all these linguistic phenomena really serve as hyperboles? Did the linguistic examples cited by rhetoricians benefit from hyperbole because of the language phenomenon? Or did an overstatement occur due to linguistic contextuality? And if so, were the rhetoricians justified in observing these phenomena? Or have they left the truth in it and added the meaning of context to the meaning of linguistic phenomena? This research sheds light on this meaning and then expands the circle to consider the remaining senses in order to reach a new theory in Arabic rhetoric.


Arabic Rhetoric, Semantics, Hyperbole, Context, Meanings of Linguistic Phenomena.

Receiving Cultural Criticism At Abdellah Al-Ghadami Method and Text

Salaheddine ACHARKI …………………….. 539-568


This article aims to analyze how Abdellah Al-Ghadami receives cultural criticism. This method raises some questions and issues that can be divided into three basic parts in terms of methodology. The first part is the issue of the death of literary criticism which is one of the key elements that enables us to identify how Al-Ghadami receives cultural criticism. Second, we also investigate the references adopted by the critic in establishing and understanding cultural criticism. He did not rely on a set of Western references and merely on what Anglo-Saxon culture, American in particular, provided; this has led him to eliminate a range of other references, such as Marxism, and psychoanalysis. Third, we attempt to analyze how the critic receives the concepts, especially in his pursuit to transfer the aesthetic function of some rhetorical concepts to the cultural one. Regarding the text, we have reviewed the cultural analysis of Adonis poems carried out by Al-Ghadami through asking two basic questions: was the critic analyzing the poems culturally or ideologically? Is his cultural interpretation consistent with the type of Adonis texts or not? 


Cultural Criticism, Receiving, References, Cultural Interpretation, Abdellah Al ـ Ghadami

Ancient Literary Criticism and the Question of Synthesis A Study of the Features of Discipline in Ancient Arab Criticism to the Directives of the Qur’anic Discourse

Dr. Draoui Abdelfdil ……………………… 569-603


This research work aims to defend the hypothesis that the ancient Arab criticism has proceeded through its first simple stages of discipline in the spirit of the Islamic call, and with the directives of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. This common trend expanded and branched out from aesthetic elements, sayings, standards, and provisions, which have developed and become common laws that are appealed to in evaluating poets, writers, orators, and creators. form, with the pioneers of linguistic, poetic, and rhetorical criticism later. They were enacted on visions of Islam calls as manifested, as well as the principles of the missionary view of man and his role in society. Rather, the rationalizing synthetic self will make some critics support certain genres and discourses. In return, other expressive patterns have been subjected to framing and besieging, for violating the philosophy of creativity and the disciplined saying system of the ethics of the Qur’anic text.


Ancient criticism, synthesis, fortification of the nation, preservation, identity, discipline, preaching storytelling, The benefit.