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Issue 4

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4th Issue- Full4.22 MB22431-10-2021 DownloadPreview
Generic and Reviewers of İssue373.62 KB21931-10-2021 DownloadPreview
Contents159.19 KB23331-10-2021 DownloadPreview
The communicative aspect of grammar is a study of some grammatical issues

Dr. Mohammed Abid Theyab, The communicative aspect of grammar is a study of some grammatical issues

 ………………….. 389 - 412



The idea of the research is about the communicative aspect of language in general and grammar in particular. Especially that the  purpose of language in modern linguistic studies  is communication, and the communicative aspect is based on two things,which is the ability inherent in the general, and the linguistic. Because this performance is very important for the delivery of knowledge to the recipient, which is something that is concerned with the uttered from the language, not the written; Because the written cannot  satisfies the representation of all kinds of semantic tones of sound that we find in speech. Also, because the origin is the spoken language and the written is a subsequent matter. This is considered  as the result of the transformation of speech into a visual image.


Communication, Language, Grammar, Adequacy, Performance

522.62 KB20531-10-2021 DownloadPreview
Persuasion strategy in linguistic discourse

Dr. Fatima amariche, Persuasion strategy in linguistic discourse

"concept and means" ………………….. 413 – 438



Persuasion was and still the most important goal that the sender seeks to achieve through his speech, for the ancients and moderns for  caliphs, sultans, chiefs and subordinates, scholars and educated people - not limited to a particular group - they resorted to it in order to convince the other that it is the best choice   among the options. For this reason, it is often considered an alternative to force in separating disputes and discussions, as it guarantees changing perspectives and convictions without harm. How can a persuasive discourse change viewpoints? Under these forms, this research paper was established through which we sought to reveal the various means adopted by the persuasion strategy in linguistic discourse.


Strategy, Persuasion, Mechanisms, Discourse, Rhetoric

508.22 KB22731-10-2021 DownloadPreview
Rhetoric And the Limits of Restricted Subjectivity, Towards Ahumane Rhetoric Flexible And

Dr. Abdelfdil Daraoui, Rhetoric And the Limits of Restricted Subjectivity, Towards Ahumane Rhetoric Flexible And Disciplined  ………………….. 439 – 466


The search for the concept of euphemism or open rhetoric, characterized by its human specificity and flexibility, requires the rhetorical analyst of literature and creativity to be armed with a systematic awareness that does not lose its human specificity and does not impose any imposition on it. As the rhetorical researcher is obliged to be prepared. For some kind of work in the field of literature, rhetoric is recognized as a flexible duality, because it is between the limit of science and the logic of the law or the exact knowledge, and the limit of art and beauty, or the logic of immobility, which rejects persistence and revolts against rationalism and scientific rigour. It imposes a systematic modesty that makes its author willing to accept the various ramifications and extensions that call the field of operation of rhetoric, its expansionist desire and imperial tendency, which makes it an unsteady but reasonable approach and absorbing all possible creative experiences.


Rhetoric, Subjectivity, Restricted, Extended, Aesthetic.

605.81 KB22531-10-2021 DownloadPreview
Re-examination of Katip Çelebî's “Ahsan al hadiyyah bi Sharh Ar-Rislalah al- Mohammadiyyah

Mehmet Hayri ACAT, Re-examination of Katip Çelebî's “Ahsan al hadiyyah bi Sharh Ar-Rislalah al- Mohammadiyyah”  ………………….. 467 – 518



In this study, the work of Kâtip Çelebî (d. 1067/1657) named “Ahsenu'l-Hediyye”, which was previously verified by another researcher, was re-examined. When this editorial is examined, it has been found that there are incorrect words that will change the meaning. In order to confirm this, the manuscript copy that was taken as a basis in the study of the work was requested from the Library and compared with the first publication. It has been determined that 98 of the 3607 words in the manuscript were falsified and the authenticated text was created. These distortions, which correspond to a high rate of 3.5%, are undoubtedly not at an acceptable level. In this article, the work has been re-examined; A more robust text was created and presented to the use of researchers. 


Katip Celebi, Ahsen al Hadiyyah, Commentary, Manuscript, Critical Edition

1.17 MB21531-10-2021 DownloadPreview
Truth and MetaphorTheir Connection to Faith in the Interpretation of the Qur'an Benefits b

Abdulrahman Mohammad, Truth and Metaphor:Their Connection to Faith in the Interpretation of the Qur'an Benefits by the Kargi Qassab ………………….. 519 - 565



This research deals with the relationship of truth and metaphor in Arabic rhetoric to creed, in the context of the interpretation (benefits on the statement in the sciences and judgments) of Imam Mohammed Ben Ali, who is famous for his "Karji al-Qassab." You will note that he does not fully deny the metaphor, but rather in the verses on the qualities of God; He argues that his adjectives are prima facie, and that his rule is that the epistle of the known term must be presented on its very inside. unless consensus has been reached that the meaning is the subconscious, unlike the mustachios and otherness who gave the epistles and gave them the metaphor, and in so doing the Creator disclaimed the metaphor and incarnation..



Rhetoric, penance, creed, statement science, truth, metaphor.

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